Sunday, November 8, 2015

Progress Report Due: 11/8/15

  • Progress:
Tasks Accomplished:
OpenCV was successfully inserted into our XCode Project.
Before:     After:
Problems Solved: We switched tutorials from the one we were originally working on ( to a new one Leslie found ( The new one thus far has proven successful. The project itself resulted in a “built succeeded,” within our XCode Project, which has yet to happen so far this year, due to various errors found in previous codes we were not able to fix.
Questions Answered: We were unsure if the code for OpenCV would be compatible with our XCode project since we had many problems with getting it to work in the past. What worked instead was working off of Mr. Lin’s XCode Project and inserting code from the new tutorial. For some unidentified reason, the code was compatible with Mr. Lin’s XCode Project and not ours, we will look into why this week.
Lessons Learned: Different codes apply to different versions of XCode. We knew this when we began our project but didn’t realize how different one version of XCode varies from another and how different troubleshooting can be.
New Idea Identified: Due to the success of inserting OpenCV, no new plan is necessary as of now.
  • Problem:
Difficulties Encountered: In this past week we once again tried solving the various errors that appeared in our XCode project while trying to insert Computer Vision’s ( tutorial’s code into our project. We were hoping to continue on with one tutorial as Mr.Lin suggested, trying to tackle our errors instead of avoiding them with new tutorials. Although, we did switch to another tutorial that was proven successful.
Missing Information: None.
Equipments Required: No new equipment is needed.
Materials Missed: We are not lacking of any materials as of now.
Open Issues: Right now we have been focusing on inserting OpenCV into XCode, a process that took longer than expected. Although soon we will need to specify the way in which our app will detect objects (how it will detect one particular object while the camera is seeing many).
New Risks: None since last week.
Show Stopper Identified: The chance our app cannot focus on one particular object (the one we want it to detect) amongst many others.
Personal Problems: None as of now.
Schedule Conflicts: None as of now. Whenever we cannot meet in person we communicate via Facebook to let one another know of new discoveries outside of classtime.
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems:
Our problems were fixed this week, aside from getting the app’s camera to detect particular objects while looking at many. We will troubleshoot this problem once we reach specifying the app’s camera’s capabilities in the near future.

Action Items for the Coming Week:
We need to get our app to be able to use edge detection with video instead of picture, since our app will not be taking pictures, but rather solely using the camera to detect objects; no pictures are necessary.
Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.

Attempting to try out our app (as long as all our needed information to do so is present) on the iPad. By the end of this week, our goal is to have made the OpenCV that has been inserted into our app, compatible with videos instead of pictures. We will definitely need to crunch on this task, time wise, considering how long inserting the OpenCV code took compared to how long we had originally planned for it to take.

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