Sunday, November 29, 2015

Progress Report Due: 11/29/15

  • Progress:
Tasks Accomplished:
-Though last week we successfully completed the first step of a tutorial ( that shows and provides an example code, for implementing canny edge detection into our Xcode Project, we have now decided to focus on object recognition, an aspect of our project that is more important than edge detection as of right now. It is the physical object recognition that acts as the base of our app.
Problems Solved:
-This week we did not take as much time to work on our actual project. We worked more on finding related patents to our project. From patents found, we learned that there are many ways to go about our application. We can have the app detect different aspects of the subway sign for example rather than just through color.
Questions Answered:
-What is our next step after OpenCV has been installed? (Answer: Object recognition.)
Lessons Learned:
-Time outside of the classroom is just as crucial as our Tuesday and Thursday class periods. This past week for instance we spent Tuesday's class period researching patents, therefore we didn't make physical progress on our project.
  • Problem:
Difficulties Encountered:
-We did not work specifically on our project this week so we didn't face any difficulties. While researching patents though we found that it is important we determine how the camera of our app will detect an object without physically capturing an image or recording a video.
Missing Information: None.
Equipments Required: 
-Mac Laptops, Mr. Lin's iPad.
Materials Missed: 
-We are not lacking of any materials as of now.
Show Stopper/Open Issues: 
-Getting the app to recognize the subway sign's symbols without having to physically capture an image or record a video.
New Risks: 
-We may need to have our app capture images and record videos, but how will we have the app do this in a timely fashion where information is being relayed back to the user fast enough?
Personal Problems: None as of now.
Schedule Conflicts: 
-None as of now. Whenever we cannot meet in person we communicate via Facebook to let one another know of new discoveries outside of classtime.
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems: 
-Use a server system similar to how one of the patents we researched ("System and method for video recognition based on visual image matching" patent) had, where an image is captured or a video is recorded and a server analyzes the information and is sent back to the user. Again though, we are unsure how this could be done in a timely fashion. Not to mention it would be difficult to get internet connection while down in the subway system.

Action Items for the Coming Week:
-Determine if we want to make the switch over to capturing images and recording videos (though it is ideal to make that our last resort).
Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.

-Continue to check up with the compatibility our app has with Mr. Lin's iPad as we change the code.

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