Sunday, November 15, 2015

Progress Report Due: 11/15/15

  • Progress:
Tasks Accomplished:
We have found an app that is basically just a camera in an app that you can start and stop. No recording is actually done on it.
Problems Solved: We have inserted OpenCV into our code.
Questions Answered: We were unsure if the code for OpenCV would be compatible with our XCode project since we had many problems with getting it to work in the past. We are now aware that it did work and we will not have to pursue alternative obstacles.
Lessons Learned: Inserting OpenCV showed us that we now need to focus on edge detection for the objects our app detects.
New Idea Identified: Due to the success of inserting OpenCV, no new plan is necessary as of now.
  • Problem:
Difficulties Encountered: We found that our Xcode Project was not compatible with many devices. The only device that it worked upon was Mr. Lin's iPad. This led to the questioning of how it will be a universal app if it will only work off of a particular update? It would not work off of the iPhone 5S or iPhone 6.
Missing Information: None.
Equipments Required: No new equipment is needed. Occasionally though we will need to try our app out on alternative devices (iPhones for instance rather than Mr. Lin's iPad). Such equipment though does not need to be purchased, we can use our own.
Materials Missed: We are not lacking of any materials as of now.
Open Issues: Inserting a camera feature that does not include a recording feature; our app does not need to record and playback what it detects as you would for instance take a video or picture.
New Risks: Not getting the app to work off of devices aside from Mr. Lin's iPad.
Show Stopper Identified: XCode's software not having an updated enough edition that matches the latest iOS technology.
Personal Problems: None as of now.
Schedule Conflicts: None as of now. Whenever we cannot meet in person we communicate via Facebook to let one another know of new discoveries outside of classtime.
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems:
We will focus Tuesday's and Thursday's class periods on this, as well as time outside of class throughout the week. If found unsuccessful (our app off of platforms aside from Mr. Lin's iPad) we will focus on tackling the issue as to why they aren't compatible. We are too far in to switch platforms, softwares, etc.

Action Items for the Coming Week:
We will mainly be using any iOS device we can get our hands on; iPhones, iPods, etc.
Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.

We will be testing our app off of multiple platforms.

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