Monday, February 8, 2016

Progress Report Due: 2/7/16

Progress Report Due: 2/7/16

Tasks Accomplished:
Now that our app's camera can mask what it sees, in order to just see particular colors, we are now focused on finding factors of similar colored items that differ from one another; numbers. This past week Leslie successfully outlined objects of our app's camera, which is the first step in many number recognition algorithms. Over the weekend, Kate began a tutorial ( for finding contours in OpenCV. "Finding contours" Is the first step in an algorithm she has chosen to follow for detecting numbers ( being one of the places such algorithm is found). 
Difficulties Encountered/Plans for the Coming Week
As stated above, this past week Leslie successfully outlined objects of our app's camera, which is the first step in many number recognition algorithms. Although, this was done by taking out the masking of what our camera sees aside from the color red. In the coming week it is important we work on implementing both codes simultaneously into our app.
-Complete Number Recognition before break.
-Do more research on how our app plans to internally process the numbers it detects and how it plans to use such information.
Equipments Required: 
-Mac Laptops
-Mr. Lin's iPad & Chord
-Red Objects (Solo Cup, Subway Sign, etc.)

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