Monday, February 1, 2016

Progress Report Due: 1/31/16

Tasks Accomplished:
By the end of the STEM Hackathon, our app's camera successfully masked what it saw, singling out only the tracked color red (since red is the color implemented in our code right now).
We tested the camera out on a red solo cup and the "3" Train's subway sign and got the following results:

Difficulties Encountered:
-It has taken a few weeks to resolve this issue. Originally, we had tried to convert what the camera saw from BGR to HSV. What we realized at the Hackathon though is that we could have kept Mr. Lin's original code that allowed the camera to see through binary image.

Equipments Required: 
-Mac Laptops
-Mr. Lin's iPad & Chord
-Red Objects (Solo Cup, Subway Sign, etc.)
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems/Action Items for the Coming Week: 
-Get our application to track more colors (green, blue) and start to focus on how we can decipher between subway symbols that hold the same color yet stand for different trains (Ex: the 1,2,3, line shares the same color, red), this could mean focusing on text recognition.
Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.
-Hopefully we will have implemented all colors we want our application to be able to identify and have started text recognition in the coming week.

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