Monday, December 21, 2015

Progress Report Due: 12/20/15

  • Progress:
Tasks Accomplished:
-Identifying our scope (wanting to recognize subway signs through numbers rather than other features such as color).
Questions Answered:
-How we'd recognize the subway signs (through color or through number recognition). We've decided to go with number recognition.
Lessons Learned:
-It is important we narrow down exactly how we will go about completing our project. From there we can find tutorials/source codes/etc. offline that specifically pertain to our project. It is too late in the year to still be experimenting.
Difficulties Encountered:
-Finding a code that recognizes numbers while also includes a camera implantation.
Equipments Required: 
-Mac Laptops
-Mr. Lin's iPad
Show Stopper/Open Issues/New Risks: 
-Many source codes we have found so far are for license plate recognition. These could be beneficial although it is important we identify where and how the code could be specified toward subway signs rather than license plates. There may not be a differentiation in code if just the numbers are being detected anyways.
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems/Action Items for the Coming Week: 
- Find a source code that recognizes numbers and successfully implement it into our app. Also including a camera feature since the physical recognition of numbers cannot be down without the camera.
Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.
-Continue to make sure our app works off of Mr. Lin's iPad as we add new code.
-We are working off of a license plate tutorial's source code right now that seems to be beneficial to our app. During Tuesday's class period we will see if it is compatible with the iPad.

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