Monday, December 21, 2015

Progress Report Due: 12/20/15

  • Progress:
Tasks Accomplished:
-Identifying our scope (wanting to recognize subway signs through numbers rather than other features such as color).
Questions Answered:
-How we'd recognize the subway signs (through color or through number recognition). We've decided to go with number recognition.
Lessons Learned:
-It is important we narrow down exactly how we will go about completing our project. From there we can find tutorials/source codes/etc. offline that specifically pertain to our project. It is too late in the year to still be experimenting.
Difficulties Encountered:
-Finding a code that recognizes numbers while also includes a camera implantation.
Equipments Required: 
-Mac Laptops
-Mr. Lin's iPad
Show Stopper/Open Issues/New Risks: 
-Many source codes we have found so far are for license plate recognition. These could be beneficial although it is important we identify where and how the code could be specified toward subway signs rather than license plates. There may not be a differentiation in code if just the numbers are being detected anyways.
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems/Action Items for the Coming Week: 
- Find a source code that recognizes numbers and successfully implement it into our app. Also including a camera feature since the physical recognition of numbers cannot be down without the camera.
Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.
-Continue to make sure our app works off of Mr. Lin's iPad as we add new code.
-We are working off of a license plate tutorial's source code right now that seems to be beneficial to our app. During Tuesday's class period we will see if it is compatible with the iPad.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

RE: Patent Search Due: 11/30/15

You have come up a very nice list of patents relevant to your research. Your comments about each patents are also very valuable. If you can analyze the patents by grouping them into meaningful categories, and identify the trends of all the patents over time. It will help us get a glance of how technology has been evolved in this field, and it may also help you to identify the possible areas of potential innovations.  

Progress Report Due: 12/6/15

  • Progress:
Tasks Accomplished:
-We have found a tutorial that includes source code for an object detection app. The application does this by using MSER (Maximally Stable Extremal Regions) in iOS. The app is very simplistic and only recognizes the Toptal's (the developer company) logo. It does so without having to take a picture or record a video, as we wanted our app to be able to do. (
Problems Solved:
-We were worried we'd have trouble creating an object recognition app that didn't require a picture to be taken or video to be recorded. Luckily, we found an application that recognizes objects without having to do so.
Questions Answered:
-How to recognize objects with a camera. How to do so without taking a picture or recording a video.
Lessons Learned:
-It is important we understand what each code and tutorial we follow actually does. We copy and paste so many codes to see how and if they'll benefit our app, without actually knowing what they do. Time can be wasted if we are using codes that may not be beneficial to our app at all. It may be better from now on to learn and wrap our heads around certain codes before adding them into our Xcode Project.
  • Problem:
Difficulties Encountered:
-We are in the process of implementing the Toptal source code for object recognition into our app. Although, we are trying to find and figure out where in the code we can change the app so that the camera will be recognizing the objects we tell it to (the app can only identify the Toptal logo right now and we need to change the code so that it can recognize numbers in subway signs).
Missing Information: None.
Equipments Required: 
-Mac Laptops, Mr. Lin's iPad.
Materials Missed: 
-We are not lacking of any materials as of now.
Show Stopper/Open Issues/New Risks: 
-Not being able to adjust the code to fit our needs (recognizing train numbers/letters on subway signs).
Personal Problems: None as of now.
Schedule Conflicts: 
-None as of now. Whenever we cannot meet in person we communicate via Facebook to let one another know of new discoveries outside of classtime.
  • Plan:
Proposals/Steps to Attack the Problems/Action Items for the Coming Week: 
-Search the code to see where the Toptal logo is implemented and change the app so it can read numbers and letters.
Action Items for the Coming Week:
-In addition to altering the code, we want to understand what the code actually does. What information does it provide once objects are identified? How does the app transform the object to a readable form?

Experiments to Conduct, Ideas to Try, Vendors to Contact, Updated Schedule, etc.
-Continue to make sure our app works off of Mr. Lin's iPad as we add new code.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Patent Search Due: 11/30/15

Patent Search
  • Systems and methods for image recognition using mobile devices.
Types, Trends, Scope: This app is similar to many of the patents that follow below, since it deals with having a premade processing library where certain chunks of a captured image can be searched for in this library and matched with the piece in the engine that brings forth necessary information. In our application, we could do something similar. Instead of detecting subway signs via color, we can do so through chunks of subway signs that vary from one to another.
Publication #: US20100260426A1
Patent Citation: US8520979B2
Int’l Classification: G06K9/20

  • Methods and arrangements for identifying objects.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This app attempts to process images by detecting watermarks that
stand in place of a certain object. For instance, on a box at checkout that may hold a lamp, rather than the app’s camera trying to recognize the lamp as an object, it recognizes a watermark on the box that stands in place of the lamp. We could use such device in our app by marking the subway signs with watermarks that make the camera implemented in our app easier to identify.
Publication #: US 20140052555 A1
Patent Citation: 2014/0002643
Int’l Classification: G06K 15/00 (20060101)

  • Augmented reality panorama supporting visually impaired individuals.
 Types, Trends, Scope: In this patent, the means through which this application operates,
revolves around object identification through use of a content library (similar to how in
our project we are using OpenCV). Essentially, the application hopes to identify objects in the area of which the devices’ camera focuses, through object recognition backed by an image library. The main difference between this invention and what our group hopes to create, is that ours is specific to subway navigation, whereas this app is more vague without a particular specification.
Publication #: US8605141B2
Patent Citation: WO2011053732A2
Int’l Classification: A61F9/08

  • Smartphone-Based Methods and Systems.
 Types, Trends, Scope: Though this app is not specified to the visually impaired, it
revolves around object detection and processing. For instance, the app allows users to scan a barcode from their device's camera. Once the app determines what the barcode stands for, from a pre-made library, then users are brought to a new screen which allows them to make use of such information. They can take actions such as finding the object’s price, finding where else such item is sold and so forth. We could similarly use such concept on our app. Maybe our app could be in accordance with the MTA’s website so times and train delays that pertain to the detected train are read aloud once the camera recognizes its symbol off the sign.
Publication #: US20120116559A1
Patent Citation: US20090204640A1
Int’l Classification: G06K9/00671

  • Method for traffic sign detection.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This patent identifies traffic signs by taking a video (which
consists of multiple image frames). Once the video has been recorded, the app goes back through the recorded data and molds together what has been detected, taking parts from each image to put together the object. This way, the user spends less time trying to focus the camera on their object of interest and the device focuses it for them. This app relates back to ours since a problem we’ve encountered is how the user will get the camera to focus on their object of interest. The user cannot just move around the device, hoping the camera will detect what they want it to (how will it know to detect the subway sign? an arrow? a wall tile? etc.) Therefore, we could go about solving this problem in the way this app did.
Publication #: US7466841 B2
Patent Citation: US20080069400
Int’l Classification: G06K9/00

  • Video recognition system.
 Types, Trends, Scope: Though this patent is not highly detailed with how objects are
recorded, the physical processing is highly detailed. This application has a set amount of images stored in a library and once an image is captured, the image from the reference library that resembles the image captured the best, will bring forth the information users originally wanted to know of such object in the first place. This is similar to our app since we are using OpenCV as our image processing library.
Publication #: US4611347 A
Patent Citation: US4288782
Int’l Classification: G06T7/00

  • Use of association of an object detected in an image to obtain information to display to a user.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This application captures an image. From the image captured, the
app separates the captured image into different sections. A section that is also present in the library of the app, is the section of the captured image that will be recorded. We could use this in our app since so far we hope to identify objects based on the color of the symbols in the sign. Although, we’ve come across the question as to what if there are many objects within range of the camera that appear the same color as the particular sign we want it to detect?
Publication #: US20130044912A1
Patent Citation: US20130285894A1
Int’l Classification: G06K9/228

  • System and method for video recognition based on visual image matching.
 Types, Trends, Scope: In this app, an image or multiple images are taken and sent to a
server where the object in the picture is identified and analyzed and sent back to the user. In our app we hope to detect objects (although not through use of images or videos since we won’t need to be doing any physical recording, just detecting with the camera) and relay information back through VoiceOver. This app seems to do similar, without the use of VoiceOver, but rather through means of text. We can possibly insert a similar server into our project (one that is quick and compatible though with visually impaired users).
Publication #: US8805123 B2
Patent Citation: US20110264700
Int’l Classification: G06K9/00

  • Real-time 3d computer vision processing engine for object recognition, reconstruction, and analysis.
Types, Trends, Scope: This invention relates to the computer vision aspect of our application. The invention takes fragmented images and molds together a three-dimensional prototype of the image using a reference of models stored in the device. The invention can do such thing by taking features of the captured images (such as measurements, color, etc.). Possibly we could detect objects on our app through measurements rather than color, if color ends up failing.
Publication #: WO2015006224 A1
Patent Citation: US6259815
Int’l Classification: G06T17/20

  • Detecting and processing corrupted video recordings.
 Types, Trends, Scope: The invention can be used to determine if recorded video content
is corrupted. Though the means through which the device does so is unclear, but we know such programming could be useful in our app. How will our app detect an object if the user is being bumped around in the subway crowd and can’t hold the camera still? Will they have to stand there just for the camera to not be able to detect the symbol on the sign? Possibly the app can relay through VoiceOver such error and tell the user to try again.
Publication #: US8917646 B2
Patent Citation: US20090074380
Int’l Classification: H04N21/258

  • Device for detecting/processing data for video/audio signals.
 Types, Trends, Scope:
Publication #: WO2005071559 A3
Patent Citation: Not listed.
Int’l Classification: G08B13/196

  • Rfid-based object tracking for the visually impaired.
Types, Trends, Scope: This invention is very neat and relates to Team 1’s idea of using markers to navigate their drones around a room. This invention uses RFID-based object tracking through use of UHF RFID tags that are located on objects throughout a household room, detecting fixed, semi-static and dynamic objects. A similar tactic could be used in our project in order for the camera of the app to know which items to detect.
Publication #: WO2009063114 A1
Patent Citation: WO2006119412A2
Int’l Classification: G01S1/00

  • Sound signal system for a blind person using gps and a smart phone application.
Types, Trends, Scope: Similar to a button pedestrians can push on a light pole when encountering a crosswalk, this inventions allows users to take out their phone, open this gps app which coordinates with a signal inside the light pole. The app via VoiceOver reads aloud to the light pole that a pedestrian needs to walk across and the light pole takes on the signal and performs operations as it would had someone who was not visually impaired pressed the button.
Publication #: WO2013172516 A1
Patent Citation: JP2001243593A
Int’l Classification: G08G1/095

  • Systems and methods for a voice- and gesture-controlled mobile application development and deployment platform.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This patent is a software that allows users to create apps through
“voice or gesture interactions.” This can be compared to a computer application like XCode, the software we are working off of. Though we plan to continue using XCode, we should definitely consider transferring our work to this application, if we have trouble configuring VoiceOver on XCode.
Publication #: US8898630 B2
Patent Citation:US20100017812
Int’l Classification: G06F3/00
  • Platform for recognizing text using mobile devices with a built-in device video camera and automatically retrieving associated content based on the recognized text Types, Trends, Scope: Although this app specifies in text recognition, it does so through use of a video camera that has been implemented into the app, without actually having to take a video (which is what we hope our app will do). As the app sees text, it recognizes words and factors such as discounts, reviews and so forth pop up for the user to scroll through. Instead of recognizing symbols via color as our original intentions were for our app, it may be better for us to have it recognize text instead (i.e. “the 4 train”, “uptown/downtown”).         Publication #: US20140111542A1        Patent Citation: US20120092329A1

  • Mobile web map service system and terminal providing mobile web map service.
Types, Trends, Scope: Though this app doesn’t necessarily meet needs for the visually impaired, it is an app that deals with navigation within a terminal that is connected to a terminal server which relays the location of the user, back to the user. Our app could attempt a similar navigational system, although we would need to add in VoiceOver so that the location could be relayed back to the user, meeting visually impaired needs.
Publication #: US20120159357 A1
Patent Citation: WO2015057748A1
Int’l Classification: G06F3/01
  • Real time object scanning using a mobile phone and cloud-based visual search engine.
 Types, Trends, Scope: The app takes a picture which then is cut down to a key frame. The
key frame is then sent to a cloud server where it’s meaning is searched for in an image searcher (similar to a google engine whereas instead of inserting text, an image is searched). This app relates to ours since we may need to tag one key element of the subway signs (a color for instance) that can be searched and matched with a train’s name. This though is probably beyond our capability for our app to do by June.
Publication #: WO2014126735 A1
Patent Citation: US8321293
Int’l Classification: G06F15/16

  • Color identification device.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This app acts as the building block of ours in a sense. Through
identification of pixels, the app recognizes color in objects, reading back the colors detected via sound to the user. We want to specialize this concept down to using color to differentiate one subway sign (or symbol of a sign) from another.
Publication #: WO2005085781 A1
Patent Citation: JP2002022537A
Int’l Classification: G01J3/46
  • User interface for software applications.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This app allows users to use apps that are not specially made for
the visually impaired, via tactile feedback, having certain vibrations account for certain operations. We do not plan to use tactile feedback. Although, if we do decide to add additional user interface screens on our app (possibly a screen providing options of the detected train sign; delays, construction, etc.) , tactile feedback would be the way to do so alongside VoiceOver.
Publication #: US8201090 B2
Patent Citation: US20060256090
Int’l Classification: G06F3/00
  • Aid for visually impaired people.
 Types, Trends, Scope: This app’s foundation shares the same one we hope to accomplish,
though goes about doing so in a manner a bit different from ours. The app consists of a library of navigational features that can be identified in pre-captured image. Then when the user themself takes a picture with the camera implemented in the app, the photo’s features are matched with that of the library’s. Then, the location and a set of directions is brought up for the user. We want to do something similar, although we are not sure if directions will be read aloud back to the user. Thus far, we plan to have our app just identify the subway sign and read back which train is where (i.e. the 4 train is downstairs). Additional navigation though such as the type this app has, will probably be necessary.
 Publication #: WO2014122420 A1
 Patent Citation: US20120327203
 Int’l Classification: G06K9/00